These wooden plaques depict famous pirates from the Golden Age of piracy, and their famous flag ships. Captain William Kidd (22 January 1645 – 23 May 1701) was a Scottish ship captain who was tried and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage in his ship Adventure Galley where he had been hunting pirates off the coast of Madagascar. Failing to find any pirates from 1696 – 1698, Kidd trod the very fine line between privateering and piracy. After returning to New York, Kidd learned that he wanted for piracy and was eventually tried and hanged in England on the23rd May 1701. There is still an historical debate that Kidd remained a privateer and was wrongly convicted for piracy as a political scapegoat. Original illustration.
'The Adventure Galley'. William Kidd
Small prints on antique style paper, mounted to actual antique salvaged wood, and hung with twine. 3.5" x 4.5"