The amazingly named ‘Re-animating Solar Tincture’ was formulated by the equally amazingly named Dr. Ebenezer Sibly (1751–c. 1799). Sibley was an English physician, astrologer and writer on the occult, writing ‘A Complete Illustration of the Astrological and occult Sciences” in 1795, (which can be seen here). Sibly’s other interests included astrology and medicine, hence this medicine in which he claimed could restore life in the event of sudden death. This level of alchemaic occultism, exoticism and mystery was deemed desirable in medicinal advertising of the time including such profound claims about the medicines potency to convince the buyer of the power behind its medicinal and magical concoction. Sibly is best known for his horoscope for the birth of the United States of America published in 1787. The label is original ofgraveconcern artwork based upon historical medical advertising.
Dr. Sibly’s Re-animating Solar Tincture
All bottles are cast from original 18th and 19th century bottles and jars, and are aged to inclde all the wonderful imperfections and aged quality of handbuilt pottery of the period. The label is original ofgraveconcern artwork based upon historical medical advertising.
Dimensions: Height 4.75" Width 1.75"
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