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Four Thieves Vinegar is an historical recipe and myth that tells of the wearer being immune to the bubonic plague; the Yersinia pestis bacterium noted from the Black Death (1346-1353) to re intermittent reoccurring outbreaks until the early 18th century. The story begins with a group of thieves in Marseille or Toulouse in France, who broke into the houses of those afflicted with plaque, and those already dead to steal their valuables. Upon their capture they offered to share the secret in order to avoid execution of how they were not infected, despite their close association with those who were. Their secret consisted of the use of a herbal vinegar mixture which had protected them. In another version of the story the four thieves were caught before the outbreak and ordered to bury plague victims, and survived due to the use of the same secret vinegar mixture. The label is original ofgraveconcern artwork based upon historical medical advertising.


Dr. Beak’s Four Theives Vinegar.

  • All bottles are cast from original 18th and 19th century bottles and jars, and are aged to inclde all the wonderful imperfections and aged quality of handbuilt pottery of the period. The label is original ofgraveconcern artwork based upon historical medical advertising.

    Dimensions: Height 6" Width 2.25"

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