Advertisement for latest liquids, potions & pills. The Boston and Country Gazette Journal. 1771
All prints are produced on handmade paper which resembles the look, feel and weight of paper available during the historical period in which the art has been inspired from. The advertising of patent medicines began at the same time as newspapers first became available and read in the new phenomena of coffee houses. The early marketing of early medicines through their ‘letters patent’ (royal approval) fueled the circulation of early papers. Many advertising and sales techniques were pioneered by patent medicine promoters. To keep patent medicines in the early public sphere, they began to use distinctive bottle shapes, and also claim in their advertising that no disease was beyond the cure of their medical formulae. The Boston and County Gazette Journal (1719–1798) was a newspaper published in Boston, Massachusetts. It began publication on December 21, 1719 and appeared weekly, attempting to rival the Boston News-Letter, (1704 - 1776) the first successful newspaper in the Colonies.
Advertisement for latest liquids, potions & pills. Boston and Country Gazette
Recreation of titlepage with added historical elements. Printed on paper resembling the look and feel of paper from the period the work was produced. Size 8.5" x 11". Printed with archival inks, and packaged in protective sheet.