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Nine Doors/Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows 1666: Individual Prints
The Greenman / Wildman / Witch Jug
Witchfinder General Sign: Hopkins & Stearne
Witch Bottle
Witch House Plaque: The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693)
Nine Doors/Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows 1666: Whole Set
The ‘Ember Days’ Of the Benandanti
Pandaemonium or the Devil’s Cloister. 1684
Malleus Maleficarum. 1669
Wooden Witch Plaques: I,II,III
Witch Bottle (Green)
Witch Bottle (Red)
Plaster House Plaques: I,II,III,IV
A Most Certain, Strange, and True Discovery of a Witch. 1643
The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches. 1613
The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits. 1691